Steven R. Gragg
Steven R. Gragg, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, FRICS
El Paso, Texas
Steven Gragg has more than 40 years of diverse real estate experience in real property valuation, banking, brokerage, property management, and real estate development. He is highly experienced in the valuation of all major property types including individual properties and property portfolios for purposes of acquisition, disposition, collateral valuation for financing, and real property damages.
Mr. Gragg served in senior executive capacities with large FDIC-insured banks, public accounting firms, real estate services firms and a regional real estate development company.
He is accomplished in litigation support as a consultant or testifying expert for litigation or alternative dispute resolution. Mr. Gragg served numerous regional and national law firms not only in the valuation of land and improved properties, but in complex matters involving valuation impairments caused by environmental contamination, regulatory influences, and eminent domain. His work has taken him to a variety of states including Arizona, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Virginia among others.
Mr. Gragg holds multiple professional real estate designations and is a certified general appraiser in several states.