Robert Gellman

Robert Gellman, JD, BA
Miami, FL
Robert Gellman holds some 35 years of real estate lending and loan underwriting experience and is regarded as one of the country’s top real estate workout strategists. Throughout his career he has served as a senior workout executive with large commercial banks, CMBS special servicers, and savings and loan associations. During the Savings and Loan crisis, Mr. Gellman was an asset specialist with the Resolution Trust Corporation (“RTC”) providing oversight to contract real estate asset managers. Thereafter, he served as Senior Vice President of Real Estate Recovery, Inc., perhaps the most highly respected real estate asset management company serving both the RTC and FDIC.
Mr. Gellman possesses deep technical, operational, and legal knowledge of commercial real estate loans, and is highly adept in analyzing the market conditions which cause cash flow to suffer. He is especially talented in evaluating foreclosure matters, litigation involving real estate, and the risks of bankruptcy from both a borrowers and lenders standpoint. In court, his financial analysis and modeling skills are used by testifying experts to present complex analyses in a simplified fashion. He has consulted for both borrowers and lenders in matters involving virtually every real estate asset class.